About Waterfall Methodist Church

“…we have experienced the goodness of God through the committed and generous giving of our people and we honour Him as our faithful Lord and Provider…”
In 1995 the Hillcrest Methodist Church decided to establish a “preaching station” in the Forest View Primary School for Methodists living in the Waterfall, Forest Hills and Crestholme areas. Congregational leaders were elected to serve on the Hillcrest Leaders’ Meeting. In July 2000 deacon Ernie Nightingale was appointed to the Hillcrest staff and given part-time pastoral oversight of the Waterfall congregation.
In 2001 a combined meeting of the Hillcrest Executive Committee and Waterfall Leaders decided that the Waterfall congregation was sufficiently established to apply for “Society” status within the Clerpine Circuit.
This took place in January 2002 when the Circuit Quarterly Meeting officially recognised the new Waterfall Society. Ernie Nightingale was appointed to lead the new Society and the first Society Stewards were elected.
Discussion began in June 2002 about buying property to build our own church and the 1 Valley Drive site was identified in August 2002. Sufficient money was donated to enable the Society to buy the property for R200 000 in December 2002. Thereafter, donations to the Building Fund continued to be made on a regular basis.
The property was registered in the name of the MCSA on 12th February 2003. Then began the lengthy process of having the land rezoned from “residential usage” to “worship usage” and having the Title Deeds amended. After numerous delays and meetings these matters were finalised in February 2007 – almost 4 years after taking ownership of the property.
A Building Committee was formed in June 2005 and building plans were submitted to the Municipality in July 2007.
After more delays the plans were finally approved in June 2008. Tenders were called for in June 2008 for the building of the hall and church
Contractors moved on site in August 2008.
The first work party took place on 25th October when a painting/varnishing” team worked in the hall. A “kitchen-tea” was held in November to raise funds for kitchen crockery and cutlery.
Occupation of the hall took place on 12th December 2008 and the first service was held on Sunday 14th December – 6 years after the Society was formed.
Regular work parties were held to establish and beautify the grounds. Hours of time was given by church members for painting and for various tasks in preparation of the Thanksgiving Service which was held in the church on 28th November 2010.
A feature of this remarkable story is that, apart from a Fun Run that was held in 2009, no specific fundraising events have been held.
Members of the congregation (which has grown to 108 people) have donated all the money collected over the past 8 years – we have experienced the goodness of God through the committed and generous giving of our people and we honour Him as our faithful Lord and Provider.